Hello Everyone i cleared my PMP with 3 Above target scores today .I have taken live online course where i was able to get lot of mindset change and his course helped me to think in a practical way and connect the experience with day to day activities which was crucial for my journey to start and achieve the desired goal .Thankful to itech gurus for their wonderful support through live classes and watsapp group network.
Cleared my PMP Exam today. ITechgurus Session is much interactive and understanding since explanation for all the topics with Realtime examples. A little throwback gives in starting of every session will help us to recollect the way we travelled. Thanks for make us understanding about the importance of PMP.
Hello All, I have completed my PMP today. Thanks to all for your inputs. I started preparing only after our classes. 4months of study from Oct to Jan. One time thorough walk through of PMBOk and Rita. Took all the practice test in Rita book and itech LMS. One week before exam, fast forward our class sessions and Rita process chart and tips and tricks. I studied all the formulas only 3 days before the exam. Followed brain dump concept. I am not so great in maths generally, so took the last minute strategy to remember formulas. Since I had project management experience more in Agile and I am a Scrum master certified, that helped me a lot to understand the agile PM concepts in PMBOK. 3 full fledged mock one week before the exam.. I scored around 65%in all the three mocks. Not great but got good experience on how the question pattern and manage time. I didn't get ITTO questions.. Exam was moderate difficulty, most of the questions are related to Agile/Hybrid, leadership styles, conflict management.. only 3 questions on formulas.
Thanks itechgurus
Yesterday I have successfully completed PMP exam yesterday. Above Target in all the three domain in first attempt. I studied as per Chandramouli's study plan. After the online training due to family medical emergency I couldn't able read properly as my family member was detected tumor, and family was little upset after successful operation. Once again I stared preparing to understand better. I had discussed the issue with Prashant and happily agreed support me. Thanks to Prashant for coordinating allowing me for refresher Training. Chandramouli's Udemy course n mock questions are useful to find any gaps in our understanding. Apart from that I referred Andrew Ramdayal's course and revised PMBOK 6th edition twice, online video again and gave my try. I got more of Predictive, Hybrid n Agile questions than on ITTO.
Cleared my PMP Exam. Online training was good and it did not make any difference between class room session and Online session.
Presentation of the topics and explanation with examples made us understand the concepts clearly. Thank you itechguru.
ITechGuru methodology of making you ready for the PMP certification & know-how has been instrumental in my journey to accomplish a significant milestone of PMP Certification.
I thank Mr.Chandramouli sir for his valuable knowledge sharing training sessions that had paid pack in full. It's an excellent training Methodology,Tips,Tricks of the trade that had helped me a lot in securing Above Target scores in all 3 domains of PMP Certification.
I also thank Mr.Prashant for his extended support in getting us enrolled & for a smooth & swift onboarding experience.
I highly recommend ITechGuru to be chosen as your learning partner in your journey of PMP certification and other certification like Agile,Scrum master etc.
I am happy to share that I have cleared my PMP Certification Dec 29 2021. It was one of my career goal for 2021 and, with all support from Trimble Inc and PMP Academy (ITECHGURUS). I was able to accomplish it.
Thanks to Prasanth for your support and guidance.
Happy New Year 2022!
Cleared my PMP today. My special thanks to Mr. Prasanth who gave me confidence to pass the exam. He guided me in many aspects for PMP training and exam. Vasu Sir: One of the best teacher of my life. His training techniques are awesome, he has given so many real life examples to understand the concept of all PMP related topics, and that was really helpful for me. Thanks a lot ITechGurus for providing such a great training and good study material.
Cleared my PMP Exam. Thank you for your support Mr. Prasanth. I took a training in UAE and failed in 1st attempt. Then I connect with itechgurus and spoke with Mr. Prasanth and Manick. They help me to achieve this PMP.
Very nice composed session with practical examples, to the point, excellent communication and definitely its a highly beneficial discussions. brings lot of confidence, Recommended to all Aspiring PMP.
Manick & Itechgurus - it was great time with sessions. - Thanks alot